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BID-CHIP robbe

BID-CHIP robbe

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  • Sku 1079-1 SDT
  • Más en Componentes


BID-Chip (Battery-IDentifikations-System).
Simple, secure operation and automatic storage of the essential battery data in the robbe BID system.
Simply plug the BID-Key into the charger and the charge process begins.

Naturalmente hay que ajustar estos cargadores universales a cada tipo de batería. De otra parte hay que definir la cantidad de elementos, la corriente de carga, la corriente de descarga, etc. Es fácil perder la orientación, no acordarse como se ajusta el cargador y lo que aún es peor, ajustarlo de forma equivocada.
A quién no le ha pasado - una rápida recarga (con ajuste equivocado) y la valiosa batería se ha dañado o ha quedado completamente defectuosa. El sistema revolucionario BID de robbe ofrece ahora una solución genial para este problema. Sistema BID quiere decir Sistema de Identificación para Baterías (Batterie-IDentifikations-System).Se asigna a cada batería un pequeño y ligero chip BID, el cual memoriza todos los datos relevantes para la carga/descarga óptima de la batería. Para la carga o descarga se conecta el chip BID y la batería con un cargador BID. El sistema BID indica los parámetros al cargador.

Pulsar la tecla de inicio y el proceso de carga - descarga empieza. Se evita una búsqueda molesta de los parámetros de ajuste en el menú, se consigue una protección máxima de usos erróneos y los datos relevantes de la batería quedan memorizados en el chip BID. Estas son las ventajas especiales del sistema BID.

El chip BID es tan pequeño y tan ligero (0,5 grs.), que puede fijarse en la batería o incluso incluir en la envoltura retráctil al formar un pack. Conectores de enchufe en ambos lados hacen el manejo muy sencillo y ahorran el peso del cable.

Dimensiones: 11.7x14.2x3 mm>

  • Functions:
  • Charge, Discharge, Discharge - Charge

    Adjustment of:
  • Charge current
  • discharge current
  • cell count
  • battery capacity
  • battery type
  • automatic or manual charge
  • beeper on / off.

    Display of:
  • Input voltage
  • battery voltage
  • charged-in capacity
  • discharged capacity
  • charge time
  • discharge time
  • peak voltage
  • average voltage (discharge cycle).
    When the process is started, a "working display" automatically appears, which at a glance informs the user of the data relating to the current charge process.

    The working display shows:
  • Charge current
  • charge voltage
  • capacity
  • charge time
  • status
    Optional manual and automatic modes are available; in automatic mode the charge and discharge currents and the final discharge voltage are calculated automatically and set to the optimum value.

    NC and NiMH batteries
    Charging and discharging of 1 - 25 NC or NiMH cells at a charge current of 0.1 - 5 Amps and discharge current of 0.1 - 5 Amps.
  • An automatic digital Delta Peak charge termination (cut-off) circuit switches off the charge process at the correct time; the circuit is designed to suit NC and NiMH batteries.

    Lead-acid batteries
    Charging of lead-acid batteries with 1 - 6 cells (2 - 12 Volts nominal voltage) at a maximum charge current of 5 Amps.
  • An automatic charge termination circuit switches off the charge process at a final charge voltage of 2.35 Volts per cell.

    Li-Io and Li-Poly cells
    Charging of Lithium batteries consisting of 1 .. No tiresome searching through menus for the set-up parameter, maximum protection from mis-handling and storing of the relevant battery data in the BID chip. The BID chip is so small and light (0.5 g) that it can be attached directly to the battery, or fitted under the heat-shrink sleeve. Double sided plugs make for easy use and save weight. An alternative to the BID-Chip is also the BID-Key. The function is the same as with the BID-Chip, however the BID-Key's handy shape makes plugging into the charger easier. The BID-Key may be placed inside the model or secured to the battery with a length of nylon thread. Naturally, all BID chargers can charge batteries not fitted with a BID-Chip/Key. Following charger settings are stored in the BID- Chip/Key: • Battery type (NC, NiMH, LiIo,LiPo, LiFe, Lead) • Cell count • Battery capacity • Charge current • Discharge current • Date (e.g. first operation) • Delta Peak cut-off voltage • Cut-off temperature the adjustable charge parameters vary according to charger type, however are compatible between themselves. Following data will be stored during each charge cycle in the BID-Chip/Key gespeichert: • Latest charged capacity • Latest discharge capacity • Maximum charge capacity • Maximum discharge capacity • Number of charge cycles
Tiempo de carga: 1.631 segundos