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Controladora HMBGC Micro Brushless Gimbal Controller Driver w/Sensor Firmware V2.2

Controladora HMBGC Micro Brushless Gimbal Controller Driver w/Sensor Firmware V2.2

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  • Sku 1055-1 SDT
  • Más en Componentes

HMBGC Micro Brushless Gimbal Controller Driver w/Sensor Firmware V2.2

- Compatible with Alexmos2.2 or firmware below, compatible with newest German BruGi_050 firmware, default Russian2.2 firmware
- SMT production, stable quality
- MOS tube instead of L6234D to drive motors
- Peak current 10A
- Work current: 5A(suggest heat sink)
- Reserve IIC port, directly connect with development board, no need jump wire

Tiempo de carga: 0.782 segundos